Daniel Fisher on the Materials of Lived Biblical Interpretation

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Daniel Fisher (Magnes Graduate Fellow and PhD Candidate, Near Eastern Studies) specializes in the Hebrew Bible and its early reception history. At the Magnes, Daniel is working with Dr. Francesco Spagnolo to curate Biblical Lives, an exhibition to open in fall 2015 highlighting materials from the collection that empowered Jews across history to engage with […]

Jewish Songlines | Judeo-Spanish and Yiddish Music and Dance with Esti Kenan-Ofri (Israel) and Michael Alpert (United States)

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

A unique encounter between two world-class interpreters of Jewish musical traditions from Central and Eastern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Esti Kenan Ofri teaches in the Department of Music at Bar Ilan University. She is a composer and a performer of Sephardic and Arabic music and dance, and a vocalist sought by some of […]

Shanghai Refugee Camp Treasures from the Magnes of Collection of Jewish Art and Life

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Special Guest: Sheer Ganor, Graduate Student in History, UC Berkeley This session will bring us into conversation with archival ephemera from the Jewish refugee camp in that operated in Shanghai, China during the Second World War in the Magnes Collection. Specifically we will examine identification documents, High Holiday tickets, a representation of living conditions, and […]

PopUp Exhibition | Freud’s Moses: Between Anti-Semitism and Assimilation

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The debate about Sigmund Freud’s ambivalent relationship with Judaism found new inspiration in the last few decades through a wave of new publications that focus on Freud’s last work,Moses and Monotheism (1939). Dr. Sharvit’s lecture will instead concentrate on an earlier essay by  Freud, The Moses of Michelangelo (1914). In this work, initially published anonymously, […]

City of Berkeley 13th Annual Holocaust Remembrance Day

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Honoring Sonia Korn-Grimani Distinguished Survivor with Jenny Chabon Cantor Eliana Kissner Performer Benji Marks Bass and Guitar Stephanie Anne Johnson, PhD Theater Arts, Writer Susan D. Felix Berkeley Art Ambassador Noon-1:30 PM Followed by a Reception For additional information 510-981-7170

PopUp Exhibition | Moroccan Jews and the Ornaments of Acculturation

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Jews have lived in Morocco for over two millennia, both prior to and eventually deeply integrated with Moroccan Muslims. Their communities were also among the largest in the Arab world, and boast an impressive cultural heritage, expressed in The Magnes Collection through textiles, photographs and illustrated manuscripts. Join Professor Emily Gottreich in exploring the history […]

CalDay 2015 | Weekend Open Galleries

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Special Weekend Opening on CalDay! April 18 & 19, 11AM-4PM ON VIEW THIS SPRING: The Future of Memory: Jewish Culture in the Digital Age What should we remember? What should we forget? And who decides? An innovative project that includes an installation, a museum exhibition, and a digital research lab in which museum professionals, scholars, […]

Jewish Studies in the Digital Age | Jewish Studies Academic Consortium of the Jewish Community Federation

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

An Interactive Panel Discussion and Presentation of Work for Faculty and Graduate Students in Jewish Studies Featuring Rachel Deblinger Postdoctoral Fellow and Digital Humanities Specialist, UC Santa Cruz Ari Y. Kelman Chair in Education and Jewish Studies, Stanford University Francesco Spagnolo  Curator, The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life and Lecturer, Department of Music, […]

CalDay 2015 | Weekend Open Galleries

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Special Weekend Opening on CalDay! April 18 & 19, 11AM-4PM ON VIEW THIS SPRING: The Future of Memory: Jewish Culture in the Digital Age What should we remember? What should we forget? And who decides? An innovative project that includes an installation, a museum exhibition, and a digital research lab in which museum professionals, scholars, […]

2015 Taubman Lecture Series

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Chair presents The 2015 Taubman Lectures with Professor Elchanan Reiner From Joshua to Jesus:  Three Chapters of the Galilean Jewish Foundational Myth   7pm  Tues, April 21        The Founder: On the Myth of Joshua in the Galilee 5pm  Thurs., April 23:    Sun in Givon, Samson in Galil: Rabbinic Literature Meets Local […]

PopUp Exhibition | Tom Laqueur on Museums and the Construction of Narrative

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Creating a good exhibition generally depends on the ability of the curator and the museum staff to tell a good story. What is needed is not so much a variety of interesting objects as a definite focus on narrative, with which the audience can interact. Join Professor Thomas W. Laqueur (Helen Fawcett Professor of History, […]

Reflections on the Legacy of Nuremberg: the 70th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Trials

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Program Schedule: 5:30 pm Reception 6:15 - 7:00 pm Film Screening – Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today 7:00 - 8:00 pm Q & A with Sandra Schulberg, filmmaker and producer, and Richard Buxbaum, Professor of Law, UCBerkeley School of Law ______________________________________________________________________________________________ This conference is a two-day event with multiple locations and programs.  For event details, […]