The Rebecca and Seymour Fromer Legacy Society
Your legacy gift makes The Magnes vision a reality
The Rebecca and Seymour Fromer Legacy Society celebrates its most committed supporters while also honoring its founders Rebecca and Seymour Fromer.
We are available to partner with you to make certain your gift satisfies both your financial and philanthropic goals as well as the needs of The Magnes.
Make a Planned Gift
Through The Rebecca and Seymour Fromer Legacy Society, Planned Gifts offer creative and flexible strategies that enable you to support the programs that matter most to you. At the same time, this way of giving helps you to pursue your own charitable and financial goals. Get started by taking the Three Quick Questions quiz to find out what type of gift(s) may be right for you!
To discuss the possibility of making a planned gift, please contact the Office of Gift Planning at 800.200.0575,, or Let them know you are interested in giving to The Magnes and they will be in touch with us.
If you have already made provisions in your estate plans for The Magnes Collection and would like to join the Rebecca and Seymour Fromer Legacy Society, please let us know.

“We were daring. We were imaginative. We were undefeatable.”
Rebecca Fromer,
Founder, Judah L. Magnes Museum

Information about getting started with planned giving
Ways to Give:
Vehicles through which donations can be given:
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity
Donor Advised Fund
Donor Designated Fund
IRA Charitable Rollover
Retained Life Estate
Will / Living Trust
Assets to Give:
Personal assets Berkeley can accept:
Donor Advised Fund
Privately Held Securities
Publically Held Securities
Real Estate Retirement Plans
All donations to The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. UC Berkeley Tax ID: 94-6090626.