
Quntres: An Online Journal for the History, Culture, and Art of the Jewish Book

September 28, 2015

Quntres: An Online Journal for the History, Culture, and Art of the Jewish Book is a peer-reviewd journal open to scholarly contributions of any length relating to any aspect of the history of the Jewish book in all of its forms.  For purposes of the journal, the Jewish book is defined as a work written or published in Hebrew characters, in any language (Hebrew, Aramaic, Ladino, Yiddish, Judeo-Persian, etc.). Contributions may relate to scrolls or codices (or fragments thereof), in manuscript or printed form.  Contributions relating to the next stage in the history of the Jewish book–electronic publishing–are also invited. Studies that appear in this new journal explore authorship, scribal matters, versions, book production, readership, book markets, the book as artifact, the sociology of the book, and so forth.  They also explore the relationship between Jewish books and Jewish society, and the impact that books have always had on that society.

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