Open House: Alumni and Family Weekend

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Special exhibition tours with Magnes Director Alla Efimova and Curator Francesco Spagnolo.

Sunday Streets Berkeley

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Magnes opens its doors to participate in Sunday Streets Berkeley, the annual downtown street festival along 17 blocks of Shattuck Avenue.

Litquake: Thaisa Frank

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The day culminates with a public reading by award-winning author Thaisa Frank. Heidegger’s Glasses is Frank’s startling, surreal debut novel. Part love story and part historical fiction, Heidegger’s Glasses evocatively reconstructs the landscape of Nazi Germany from an entirely original and haunting vantage point. To register, please click here.

KlezCalifornia’s Yiddish Culture Festival

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Annual Bay Area celebration of Yiddish culture for all ages. Enjoy and celebrate Yiddish culture! For all ages, musicians and not, Yiddish speakers and not. Saturday night: Klezmer Concert and Dance Party with internationally renowned klezmer groups: Strauss/Warschauer Duo (from New York) and Veretski Pass (Bay Area).   Affordable ticket prices, discounts for teens and […]

Global India: Kerala, Israel, Berkeley | An Exhibition in Context

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The exhibition Global India: Kerala, Israel, Berkeley brought to light the extensive holdings from Kerala, South India, collected by The Magnes since the 1960s, and their relationship with the development of South Indian studies at UC Berkeley, since the pioneering work of David G. Mandelbaum and Walter J. Fischel. A multidisciplinary panel of scholars from UC Berkeley and Stanford, including […]

SFJFF Movie Night: Orchestra of Exiles

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Orchestra of Exiles explores the 4-year odyssey of prodigious Polish violinist Bronislaw Huberman in the founding of the orchestra that would become the Israel Philharmonic. Huberman's personal transformation and subsequent heroic struggle to get Jewish musicians out of Europe to found this orchestra are at the film's heart. Introduction by Dr. Francesco Spagnolo (The Magnes and Department […]

Fiddler Reception and Klezmer Dance Party

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the landmark play Fiddler on the Roof with performances, screenings, conferences, sing-alongs, and more. When Fiddler on the Roof, a musical adaptation of Sholem Aleichem’s “Tevye” stories, made its debut on Broadway in 1964 it was an immediate hit. Join us for a festive reception and dance party following the 6:30pm California Theatre […]

Saved by The Bay: Exhibition Opening Reception

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Magnes Director Alla Efimova , The Bancroft Library Director Elaine Tennant and The Friends of The Magnes cordially invite you to the opening reception for the exhibition Saved by The Bay The Intellectual Migration from Fascist Europe to UC Berkeley based on a student research project that highlights the story of over seventy scholars […]

SFJFF Film Screening with special guest Anna Halprin

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

World-renowned modern dancer Anna Halprin will introduce two short films realted to dance in Israel. Inside Envelopes (2012) 50 min, Dir. Shelly King This documentary tells the story of two dancer sisters and two musician brothers who come together to create a performance piece. Offering a glimpse into their creative process, replete with fiery arguments and […]

Saved by The Bay: A Panel Discussion

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Join a panel of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and The Magnes Curator Francesco Spagnolo in a public discussion about the spring exhibition, Saved By The Bay: The Intellectual Migration from Fascist Europe to UC Berkeley. The panel will explore the inter-generational research process that made it possible and the role of refugee scholars in the […]

Darius Milhaud: The Berkeley Years

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

We are excited to host a very special musical event featuring the 14th and 15th String Quartets of Darius Milhaud (1892-1974), one of many artists and intellectuals who came to the San Francisco Bay Area seeking refuge from European fascism. The program draws from Milhaud's memoir, My Happy Life, archival holdings of The Magnes and […]

Lunchtime Exhibition Tours

Magnes Collection of Jewish Life and Art 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Join Magnes staff for a guided tour of current exhibitions. Lunchtime Tours are offered on the first Thursday of each month through May.