The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, UC Berkeley
The Anna Davidson Rosenberg Poetry Awards, 2012
The Anna Davidson Rosenberg Awards for Poems on Jewish experience were established by Nedda Fratkin, MarvinRosenberg and Violet Ginsburg in memory of their mother, Anna Rosenberg, née Davidson in 1987. This annual poetry competition will be sponsored in 2012 by The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life at UC Berkeley, and co-sponsored by The Jewish Studies Program at UC Berkeley, The English Department at UC Berkeley, The Judaica Collection at The Doe & Moffitt Libraries at UC Berkeley, and by Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture (
SUBJECT: Jewish experience (irrespective of author’s ethnicity or religious affiliation)
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Postmarked by April 30, 2012
FORMAT: Submit in quadruplicate hard copy, up to three poems (no more than 10 pages total) and one application cover sheet. There is no entry fee. Poems will be judged anonymously. Personal data should appear on cover sheet only.
Please do not submit previously published poems.
AWARDS ANNOUNCED: August 20, 2012
PLACEMENT: Total prize money of $3000 will be distributed based on the quality of submissions.
AWARD RECEPTION AND READING: Community-wide reception for winning poems will be held Sept. 23, 2012
Lisa Wurtele, Coordinator
The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life,
University of California, Berkeley
2121 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA 94720-6300
For more information and complete guidelines:
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